Tuesday, August 7, 2012

La Romana/Casa de Campo/Altos de Chavon

La Romana is a sugar town about 2 hours from Santo Domingo.  The country’s biggest sugar producer, Central Romana, is located here.  Central Romana is the largest private employer in the country (about 25,000 people).
view of the Caribbean Sea from La Romana
Central Romana sugar company
beautiful Flamboyant tree
research center for sugar cane 

Casa de Campo is the country’s most prestigious resort.  It’s a huge gated community full of luxurious villas (owned and for rent), a marina, movie theater, shops, restaurants, and famous golf course. Homeowners in this neighborhood include The Clintons and Michael Jackson.  We drove and looked at beautiful homes, went to the private beach, and enjoyed a delicious dinner on the marina.  

I could really get used to the luxury of this private beach. :)

cute shops in Casa de Campo
the view during dinner

Altos de Chavon is a small section of Casa de Campo.  It was constructed as a replica of a 16th century Mediterranean village.  Altos de Chavon is the home of a design school affiliated with the prestigious Parsons Design School in New York City.  There is also an Amber Museum (amber is produced in the DR),  Regional Museum of Archaeology (El Museo Arqueológico Regional), church, garden, amphitheater, and shops. It didn’t feel like I was in the Dominican Republic at all, but it was fun day to walk around and see the sights.

St. Stanislaus Church
inside of the church
Altos de Chavon overlooks the gorgeous Rio Chavon

view from the bell tower


el museo
decorative dishes
body stamps used by the Taino indians
1st concert performed in the amphitheater was Frank Sinatra

Chavon River and Caribbean Sea in the same view
so cute :)