Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Start to a New Year

It’s nice to be back!  My students were full of hugs and excitement to be back at school.  My first weekend back included going to a mass to celebrate the anniversary of the school where I teach, catching up with friends, going to church, etc.  One of the biggest events of the weekend was a day trip to Iguana Park.  Iguana Park is a temporary theme park in the capital open during December and January.  It’s full of the rides you would see at a fair.  The purchase of a bracelet buys you the opportunity to ride as many spinning and twirling rides as you can handle.  J

Here are some pictures of my kids hard at work on recent activities.

Equality Activity

group work

Notice what is in the boy's hand...creating Tar Heel fans all over the world :)

On the 21st I went to Samana.   Samana is the peninsula on the Northeastern coast of the island.  The peninsula is beautiful, but I went specifically to see the whales.  Each year the humpback whales come to the shores of the DR to mate and have babies.  They are only here from mid-January until the first of March.  I clearly saw 2 whales during the boat trip.  One time I saw the body of the whale and the other time I saw the tail.  There were other times I thought I saw a whale in the distance but these sightings were not confirmed.  After the boat ride I went to a beach called Cayo Levantado.

boat ride in search of whales  (way more seasickness than I ever want to see again)

Cayo Levantado
Here's a little video from the trip to see the ballenas(whales).

Lomas Lindas
A friend invited us to his family’s place at Lomas Lindas.  Lomas Lindas is beautiful hill country about 30 minutes outside of the city.  It was fun to see a new area and play in the river.
Lomas Lindas = Pretty Hills


after "body rafting" down the river

Before the past two weeks I had never been in an earthquake.  But, there have been five in the Dominican Republic in January.  Thankfully, all were small and there were no injuries or damage.  However, I have got to better at my earthquake detection.  I have not felt any of them.  I only know there has been an earthquake when the alarm sounds or someone tells me. Here’s the website I used to verify if the commotion about an earthquake is true or not.  You can see the 3 small ones we had yesterday and one on Monday.  

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