Saturday, July 7, 2012


The International Book Fair was a huge event with books for sell, author exhibits, special presentations, etc.  I loved this free event!

Sunday, May 20 was Presidential Election Day.   There were two main candiates, Danilo Medina and Hipolito (commonly known as Papá).  I have tried to learn as much as I could about the different system the government.  However, I loved asking people who they were voting for: Danilo or Papá?  Because, just as Dominicans are passionate about their baseball and dancing, they are passionate about politics.  Since I can’t vote, it was easy to discuss politics since there was no need to convince me one side was better than the other. 

I went with my friend on election day to see the voting process first hand.  Two of the differences I noticed: 1- There was a lot staff trying to prevent fraud like cédula (ID) buying. 2-The ballot has pictures of each candidate for those that are illiterate.  

The Malécon is the name of the road that borders the Caribbean Sea.  I love the way this coastline looks, especially when the waves make the huge splash against the rocks.  It’s only minutes from my house and always provides a great view.

This is a statue on the Malécon near where Trujillo (ex-dicatator) was shot.  The artwork represents the resistance against dictator.

I’ve also squeezed in trips to Hemingway, one of the beaches outside of the capital.

I went to a clever play at this cute little theater in la zona colonial.  The play was a comedy about life in the Dominican Republic.  

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