Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome to Ms. Bowman’s Third Grade Class!

Here are a few pictures of my classroom both before and after decorating.  I have 25 students.  Although the 2 fans constantly blow all papers away, they help decrease the temperature a little bit.  I’m afraid I’m going to show favoritism to the students that sit near the fan and want to help them more because it is really hot in the parts of the room where the fans don’t reach… poor kids that get those


This is it!  (except 8 more desks still have to be added)
By the looks of the ceiling you can tell I have a serious problem with leaks.

The best part about my room is that the walls are Carolina blue!!!!


We will be using the word wall a lot.  All of my students are learning English as their second language.

All of the walls are cement (because of earthquakes) so everything must be attached to the walls using packaging tape.  I'll be okay if I don't see packaging tape and cement for quite awhile :)

I'm thankful to have the projector.  Now, if I could just get AC I'd be set :)

The trash can catches a lot of water, especially during the current rainy season.

The school "fixed" the leak by painting the ceiling white. lol  Needless to say, I'll still be emptying the trash can daily.

 I'm ready to meet the kids and get to know them!  It's going to be an interesting year, but I'm excited!

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